Thursday 25 March 2010


WE ARE PROUD to announce that our Ladies and Underage teams will be awarded for their 2009 successes this coming Friday (26th) in The Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon. MC on the night will be the comical Mickey Lynch and special guests will join him in saluting the underage and Ladies’ stars – with awards for player of the year, most improved player and club person of the year. Among the awarded will be the 2009 U14 Championship winners (girls), the U14 League champions (boys), the victorious Fr. Manning & Ted Webb team of 2009 and the U12 girls’ runners-up team. All managers, coaches and affiliates will be in attendance and will receive a deserved mention for their continuing hard work and support. Everybody is welcome to attend and a word of thanks to all helping in its preparation, including those in The Bush Hotel. Please be there for 8.30pm. Music, refreshments and raffle will conclude the presentation.

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